Thursday, March 25, 2021
Magazine styles
The style/type I want to incorporate into my magazines as it fits my demographic more than the actual design of real life story magazine papers such as "Take a Break" magazine.
Audience Profile
My audience profile is what I think my target audience would be interested as a 16-25 year old. Due to my audience being a POC I think they would relate/identify with some of the things demonstrated below. For example, the type of social media consumed which will enable to use those platforms to target and reach the primary audience. As one of my covers will highlight being a black influencers/ medical students in which I will include topics they are interested in.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Planning: Reflection on moderators report
- Many of the magazines constructed representations really well, with subtle but thoughtful differences around nationality, class, aspiration as well as ethnicity and gender.
- Where candidates' photographs did not specifically address an AB demographic this could have been achieved in the cover-lines and contents, for example focusing on high end designer fashion
- Lack of reference to the website, or failure to draw attention to this either on the cover or the contents page (some sort of call to action was essential); as a result not only did this mean they did not meet all the requirements of the brief, but it also limited their mark for digital convergence as it meant at best that there were ‘inconsistent links between the two cross-media products’ which is Level 2 assessment criteria
- magazines where the front covers where excellent were not matched by the quality of the contents pages e.g no sub-headings, limited use of images etc. -> demonstrated lack of understanding of the codes and conventions
- candidates produced excellent work but weren't mainstream enough to support the industry context therefore work didn't fulfil the requirements of the brief.
- must address all the requirements of the brief
- demonstrate sufficient understanding of the relevant aspects of the theoretical frame work
- undertake individual research into a wide range of contemporary exemplars
My audience profile is what I think my target audience would be interested as a 16-25 year old. Due to my audience being a POC I think the...
- Many of the magazines constructed representations really well, with subtle but thoughtful differences around nationality, class, aspirati...